Selalunye Adaa tulis tentang lecithin, omega kan? Kali ni nak tulis tentang herblax pulak.Jom kite kenal sket ape dia herblax ni:
Herb-LaxTM Shaklee didatangkan dengan kombinasi herba yang telah digunakan secara tradisional untuk melegakan sembelit dan meningkatkan proses pencernaan secara lawas.* Bagi menangani kesulitan membuang air besar, Herb-LaxTMyang lembut boleh membantu. Produk ini mengandungi alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Individu yang menghidap lupus eritematosus sistemik perlu meminta khidmat rundingan pakar sebelum mengambil produk ini. Tiada perasa tiruan, pemanis, pewarna atau bahan pengawet tambahan. * Produk ini bukan bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat, menyembuhkan atau mencegah sebarang penyakit |
Macam yang biasa Adaa tulis, 'Rumah penyakit adalah perut' jadi, sgt penting kita jaga perut kita ni, kalo tersumbat, toksin pun mulalah bertapak kan..lepas tuh mulalah sakit itu, sakit ini..Dalam badan kita ni, mcm2 ada..dengan makanan yang kita makan sekarang which contain a lot of chemical start dr proses penanaman, sembur2 chemical..kalau processed food lagilah kan, dengan bahan pewarna, pengawet, bahan2 ni semua boleh menyumbang kepada penyakit2 dalam badan kita. Kat sini lah fungsi Herblax ni..membantu menyingkirkan:
- bacteria & parasites
- toxic chemical & toxic substances
- decaying food material
Siapa yang memerlukan Herblax?
Anyone over the age of 5 years old interested in relieving
constipation including:
- the elderly
- surgery patients
- individuals who are taking narcotic pain medications which frequently cause constipation as a side effect
Anyone who experiences incomplete bowel emptying. A serving
size of four tablets of Herb-Lax should cause a gentle bowel movement within
several hours. By taking less than the serving size, one can still effectively
speed up the flow of food and waste through the intestinal tract without
causing diarrhea.
Anyone performing a body detoxification
What's In Herb-Lax?
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Rhubarb |
of the herbs contained in Herb-Lax are used in cultures which utilize herbs
directly after meals to aid digestion. The herbs used in Herb-Lax are:
- senna: stimulates
contractions in the bowel and inhibits stationary contractions in the
- senna leaf: stimulates contractions in the bowel and inhibits stationary contractions in the colon
- buckthorn: recognized for it's
purifying effects* and constipation
- culver's
root: Culver's-root,
which is official in the United States Pharmacopoeia, is used as an
alterative, cathartic and in disorders of the liver. Traditionally used
because of it's affinity for cleansing the gallbladder*
- licorice: Licorice possesses
anti-bacterial properties and is used traditionally to relieve stomach
- fennel: Fennel is an
anti-spasmodic. As a medicinal plant, fennel seed has been used as an antispasmodic,
carminative, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, stimulant, and stomachic.
Fennel has also been used as a remedy against colic.
- anise: Anise is a soothing
digestive aid. This herb is good for the treatment of colic, gas, and
indigestion. The stimulant and carminative properties of Anise make it
useful in flatulency and colic. It is used as an ingredient of cathartic
and aperient pills, to relieve flatulence and diminish the griping of
purgative medicines.
- rhubarb: Rhubarb has been used
in medicines and folk healing for centuries. It is recognized that rhubarb
not only exercises a digestive action but it operates directly as a
conveyor of bile salts. In the stomach its digestive effects cause an
increase of the flow of gastric juice and induce their movement, thus
favoring the processing of the contents of the stomach. Besides
stimulating the
secretions from the liver which convey the bile salts, it assists the intestine in regulating the absorption of fats. - blue
malva: Traditionally,
blue malva flower has been appreciated for its soothing properties.
Dah kenal kan? :)
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statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These
products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease :::
Good info.tq.