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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Anda ada simptom ini? Mungkin anda kekurangan nutrisi. Please check!

'' Kulit saya kusam'', ''rambut saya gugur bnyk lah, sampai nak botak rasanya'', ''kulit saya kering , tumit pon dah pecah2, kenapa ye?''

Ha pernah tak anda mengalami situasi yang sama? Adaa pernah ditanya soalan2 sebegini..bila tanda2 sebegini mula muncul, maknanya badan kita nak bagi tahu kita yang kita ni kekurangan certain2 nutrition..supaya kita dpt top up ruang2 kosong tu..Penting bagi kita untuk tahu simptom2 dan aware bila ia terjadi supaya kita tahu vitamin apa yang perlu di top up, tak gitu? Sama juga dengan ubat, kalau sakit kepala, tentu ubatnya ubat sakit kepala dan bukan ubat untuk sakit seluruh badan kan. Kalau rambut gugur, takkan nak ambil vitamin A-Z huhu pengsan lah .
Cracked heel?
Setiap vitamin deficiency akan menunjukkan simptom yang berbeza, jom check kot2 simptom tu ada pada kita:


Signs of Deficiencies

·         For example, did you know that when you have inadequate stomach acid, likely from taking long-term antacids, your fingernails can develop ridges in them?

·         Hair loss can be due to inadequate folic acid, B vitamins and essential fatty acid intake. It can also be due to vitamin A toxicity. (Pengambilan vitamin A dalam bentu pro-vitamin A adalah lebih selamat untuk mengelakkan toksin terkumpul dlm badan- Shaklee Carotomax.)

·         Chronic dandruff is a pesky problem, caused by too many skin cells from your scalp drying and flaking off.  Consider increasing your essential fatty acid intake or use selenium supplements.

·         Acne is a problem mostly for young people, but it can also be due to deficiencies in zinc, EFAs, and eating too many trans fats.

·         A sore tongue means you could be deficient in B12, folate, zinc, or iron. B12 supplementation requires a visit to your doctor. Folate, zinc, and iron can be improved through diet and nutritional supplements.

·         Let’s take a look at your fingernails. How do those cuticles look? If they’re inflamed, you could be suffering from a zinc deficiency. Start chewing on those pumpkin seeds. If your nails are spooning you may be deficient in iron; up your intake of red meat, or cook in cast iron cookware, especially with tomato products. People who regularly cook with cast iron are rarely deficient in iron. Hangnails are a normal problem, but if you have a more compelling issue, increase your zinc intake. (yup zinc is the best!)

·         Dry skin can either mean you’re chronically dehydrated, or it means that you need to increase your essential fatty acid intake, vitamin A, and vitamin E intake. Potassium and vitamin D need to be added too.

·         Small red bumps on the back of your arms can be due to vitamin A and E deficiencies, zinc, and essential fatty acids.

Tanda-tanda ini semua sangat mudah dilihat, jadi lebih senang utk anda check kan? Jika masih belum tahu apa Vitamin yang tepat untuk anda, Adaa sedia untuk membantu, InsyaAllah.

Vitamin dan nutrisi ni bukan semestinya kena ambil supplement ye, dari makanan pon boleh, contohnya zat besi dari bayam, vitamin A dari carrot etc. Tapi jika anda seorang yang bz, tak sempat monitor pon diet anda, then u have to consider to start consuming supplement :)
*Check2 diri anda! 

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