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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Healing crisis: Kenapa lepas makan Shaklee kepala pening, sakit badan?

Waktu mula2 Adaa diperkenalkan dengan Shaklee, kak Cery mmg dah bagitahu awal2 yang Adaa mungkin akan mengalami healing crisis ni supaya tak terkejut hehe apa healing crisis ni?

A healing crisis occurs as a result of the body engaging in the process of eliminating the toxins that it has accumulated over the years. Now the toxins are being liberated from their storage places within you and they are affecting the body in full force. When the process of elimination has been sufficiently accomplished ,your health improves. You should take more fluid to aid the cleansing process. The healing crisis is recognized in all systems of natural healing. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is known as the (law of cure).

Pengalaman Adaa dulu lepas sehari dua consume Shaklee, mmg badan start rasa tak sedap..Adaa demam sehari dua..Adaa mmg tahu yang badan adaa bnyk toxin sbb muka kusam, bowel movement problem, fatigue..mcm2 bila ambil shaklee mmg expected dah demam tuh hehe so taklah panic sangat..Apa yang Adaa buat just continue ambil Shaklee n make sure water intake dalam sehari tu mencukupi..kene ambil 2-3L sehari..rule of thumb nye, every 25kg berat badan kite, memerlukan 1L air..jadi kene tahulah brape air yg diperlukan ye..Ada juga orang yang tak mengalami pun healing crisis ni, so tak semua lah wajib kene ye hehe macam Adaa yang dah lama ade health condition ni, mmg expected lah to feel this healing crisis..mcm rasa being 'corrected' gitu. 

Bagi yang baru mencuba Shaklee ni, jgn panic ye..allow ur body to adapt with the 'new u' ..utk yang tak pasti diri dia mengalami healing crisis ke tak, ini Adaa nk share info dari blog my senior, thanx to kak cery 

Saya mengalami pening2 selepas mengambil vitamin ini, mengapa? Adakah tidak serasi?

Jawapan: Pengambilan vitamin memerlukan pengambilan air yang TIDAK kurang dari 2 liter. Ini kerana ia perlu agar vitamin dapat disalurkan ke seluruh tubuh dengan lancar. Rasa pening berlaku biasanya berpunca dari less water intake. Satu lagi adalah kerana, jika individu itu adalah pertama kali mengambil supplement, maka tubuh memerlukan 1-3 hari untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan zat yang diterima. (Ibaratkan seorang yang tidak punya perabot di dalam rumahnya dan tiba2 datang org menghantar perabot serta memenuhi ruang kosong dalam rumah..sure rumah tu “pening” terima perabot..hehe ). pastinya individu itu perlukan masa utk menyesuaikan diri.). Hakikatnya keserasian memerlukan masa.

Jom lihat healing crisis/tanda2 lain dan possible reason nya...

Healing Crisis
Possible Reasons/Causes
Lethargy, sleepiness
Acidic body, poor liver function, over exhausted, need more rest
Headache, heavy headed
High blood pressure, sign of detoxification
Fever, slight fever, restlessness
Increase metabolism, stimulate body immune function
Diarrhea, increase bowel movements, passing out a dark, smelly stool, foul-smelly urine
Sign of detoxification, accumulated waste and residue in the colon
Flatulence, gassy stomach
Poor digestive system
Break out, rashes, itchy skin, bad sweat, mucus secretion, dandruff
Poor liver function, poor colon health and elimination system
Mucus production such as, phlegm, running nose
Poor lung function, passing out phlegm is also a sign of detoxification
Nasal bleeding
May be a sign of anaemia
Muscles and joints are aching and pain
Acidic body, toxins accumulated at the affected area
Increased pain in affected part of body
Speed up the healing process
Insomnia or hyperactive
Poor nervous system
Irregular period, changes in period, itchy bottom, increased mucus secretion
Hormonal imbalance, in the process of hormone regulation
Bleeding with bowel movements
May be haemorrhoid
Dizziness, hunger
Hypoglycemia, anaemia
Nausea, constipation, hiccups
Poor digestive system, liver problem
Slight edema (swelling)
Kidney problem

QuestionDoes everyone experience same signs and symptoms during healing crisis?Answer: Everyone is different. Some people experience healing crisis right after he/she took the supplement and others will only occur after a month or two. The severity is also different. The more toxic one’s bodily systems are, the more severe the healing crisis.

Jadi jangan risau ye..nasihat Adaa..keep on consuming n make sure sufficient water intake..

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
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