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Sejak akhir2 ni makin ramai yang bertanya tentang penyusuan..kebanyakannya bertanya tentang susu yang semakin sikit, ada juga yang tak tanya apa2 terus nak beli milk booster hehe Ingat ye , Shaklee tak membanyakkan susu ibu, tetapi Shaklee membantu menyediakan ibu supaya berada dalam keadaan sihat, positif, dan bertenaga, jadi lebih banyak susu yang berkhasiat dpt dihasilkan sesuai dengan demand yang tinggi..
Bila tubuh ibu berada dalam keadaan sihat, jiwa pon tenang, tak stress, barulah susu tak segan nak keluar..tapi ingat, disamping badan sihat, minum air putih banyak2..pump/direct feed juga kena kerap..sebab kalo takda demand, supply pon akan kurang. Tapi kalo semua pon dah buat, susu tetap merudum, macam mana pulak tu? Ok, maybe ini boleh membantu:
These things can cause or contribute to a low milk supply:
- Supplementing. Nursing is a supply & demand process. Milk is produced as your baby nurses, and the amount that she nurses lets your body know how much milk is required. Every bottle (of formula, juice or water) that your baby gets means that your body gets the signal to produce that much less milk.
- Nipple confusion. A bottle requires a different type of sucking than nursing, and it is easier for your baby to extract milk from a bottle. As a result, giving a bottle can either cause your baby to have problems sucking properly at the breast, or can result in baby preferring the constant faster flow of the bottle.
- Pacifiers. Pacifiers can cause nipple confusion. They can also significantly reduce the amount of time your baby spends at the breast, which may cause your milk supply to drop.
- Nipple shields can lead to nipple confusion. They can also reduce the stimulation to your nipple or interfere with milk transfer, which can interfere with the supply-demand cycle.
- Scheduled feedings interfere with the supply & demand cycle of milk production and can lead to a reduced supply, sometimes several months later rather than immediately. Nurse your baby whenever she is hungry.
- Sleepy baby. For the first few weeks, some babies are very sleepy and only demand to nurse infrequently and for short periods. Until baby wakes up and begins to demand regular nursing, nurse baby at least every two hours during the day and at least every 4 hours at night to establish your milk supply.
- Cutting short the length of nursings. Stopping a feeding before your baby ends the feeding herself can interfere with the supply-demand cycle. Also, your milk increases in fat content later into a feeding, which helps baby gain weight and last longer between feedings.
- Offering only one breast per feeding. This is fine if your milk supply is well-established and your baby is gaining weight well. If you're trying to increase your milk supply, let baby finish the first side, then offer the second side.
- Health or anatomical problems with baby can prevent baby from removing milk adequately from the breast, thus decreasing milk supply.
Dah discover anda ade problem yang mana? So, boleh lah cari jalan ye =)
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